In 1997, 40 stud cows in calf from two herds were brought onto our Milawa Organic Beef property. Today we run a herd of 110 pure bred angus cows, 40 yearling heifers and 40 steers.
Calving occurs only once a year in July and August, rather than the traditional farming practice of twice a year. This means there are fewer classes of stock on the property and allows for pastures to rest longer. It also ensures pastures retain a higher mineral content, which is ideal for raising healthy, organic cattle.
All our cattle are independently assessed and scanned to meet high standards of yield, tenderness, temperament, maturity pattern and structure. Bulls purchased annually are also graded to meet our specifications. Our Milawa Organic Beef property and stock have been managed using biological methods for 25 years, that is, we have chosen not to use chemicals and pesticides to grow our pasture or cattle.

In October 2009, we commenced the organic certification process to become certified with the Biological Farmers of Australia. After a 3 year conversion process we achieved full certification in December 2012.
The Biological Farmers of Australia do not allow the use of worm or lice drenches or antibiotic use on certified stock. Where antibiotics are deemed necessary, cattle are kept in quarantine paddocks. Any of our cattle treated with antibiotic products will never be sold as organic meat.
To grow and condition our cattle naturally, our pastures are maintained using minerals and compost teas. Compost teas are made on the property and applied to the pastures. We participate in the North East Catchment Management Authority carbon program and hope to see that our land management techniques will sequester higher levels of carbon in our soil.
The end result of all of this work is meat with integrity – tender, higher in Omega-3, lower in fat and more nutrient dense. Clean, green, naturally healthy cattle – grown organically for you and the environment.